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No matter what we write, we always stick to the end, 19.Mar.2015

I have the feeling that every time that I write something I try to find a way so that the end has a weight, and maybe that is why conclusions never come first and signatures are at the bottom of a page. Today I wrote about being a fool, about trust, about the issues that we normally have, today I wrote to you but I was also writing to someone else. I was asking you to open your eyes to what we have, to think about your past experiences and how those little flaws you preventing them from working out. I was telling you about how if you would keep your behavior the way that it is now it was then a direct to bridge to end up alone, about all the energy that I deposit on you and feeling I am always losing when you have nothing to lose and coming to realize that losing me actually might be a big thing after all; it’s not an altered ego, it’s facing the fact that even loving and caring sometimes is not enough. Today I wrote to you that I lost it, that I am scared of losing it again. I also told you that I don’t want to hurt you and that even though I could I was going to keep myself from that without suggesting that I don’t still think you are a big fool. Today I told you that I am worth the struggle, that you should man up and face our relationship towards everything and everybody. Today I wrote an impossible. Today I asked you to be thankful for what you’ve got. Today I stick to the end, because we are mirrors, and I was writing to myself. 

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