Untitled26.07.2016 Is the world losing sense? Or is sense losing the world? #diary #ManuelMoncayo #ManuelMoncayo #r
UntitledI found you tender. 26.Dec.2015 I found you tender, Sorry if I was afraid of this, it’s new to me. #diary #ManuelMoncayo #r
UntitledPPH, 31.Oct.2015 I divide myself in 4, past, present, job and all the things I can’t avoid. I receive a visitor, I receive two visitors,...
UntitledAnger management, 01.Aug.2014 Today all I did or said had a touch of anger, of low self esteem and unhappiness, Today the day...
UntitledMaria, 14.Jun.2014 I only have in mind resting until tomorrow comes. #diary #ManuelMoncayo #r